Darnell Gatewood

Darnell Gatewood


North Hills Regional Office

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About Darnell Gatewood
I moved to the Pittsburgh area from Alexandria, Virginia. The move to Pittsburgh was a natural fit given the cities growth and family friendly atmosphere. My love for family and my community began nearly 20 years ago.

I am a proud veteran of the US Army 82nd Airborne Division and I can honestly say that every moment in the service was special to me. From basic boot camp to the thrill of jumping out of airplanes! There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my fellow troops or for the privilege to protect our land here and abroad.

After my honorable discharge, I entered into the restaurant industry as a bartender where all the tools I obtained in the service were on full display. Respecting, listening, and serving my customers was my daily priority. I loved interacting with them, listening to their stories and most of all being a person they could count on for some good friendly advice and conversation! As I became a master of my craft, I moved through the ranks of the restaurant industry from management to director of beverage. Of course, growing within the industry was exciting but there was still something missing for me. I wanted more!

With encouragement from my wife and friends I decided to pursue a career in Real Estate in 2015. I am committed to continuous education, giving back to the community and offering quality advice and service to all.

Your neighborhood Realtor,